klekljarske kolegice,
ta izlet je bil
sprva načrtovan kot izlet v neznano (od tod tudi njegovo nekoliko nenavadno
ime), a ker vas očitno maček v žaklju, kadar gre za čipkarske izlete, večinoma ne
zanima ;-), vam razkrivam kraje, ki jih bomo obiskale na strokovnem čipkarskem
izletu v soboto, 14. septembra 2013.
S parkirišča za
avtobuse pred ljubljansko Halo Tivoli se bomo ob 6:30 uri odpravile proti
Gorenjski. Pot nas bo mimo Kranja, Jesenic in Kranjske gore vodila čez zahodno
mejo. V Tolmežu (it. Tolmezzo) bomo obiskale Karnijski muzej ljudske umetnosti Michele Gortani in si ogledale čipke, ki jih hrani muzej. Morda nam uspe
pokukati celo v muzejski arhiv, kjer hranijo najlepše in najbolj dragocene stare
Naš naslednji
cilj bo Fagagna, vas, ki jo furlanski turistični delavci razglašajo za najlepšo
v Italiji. V Muzeju podeželskega življenja bomo obiskale del, posvečen čipkarski
šoli, ki je nekoč delovala v kraju, in si ogledali njegovo bogato čipkarsko
zbirko. Po razstavi nas bo popeljal lokalni vodič, tamkajšnje klekljarice pa nam bodo
pokazale kako pri njih izdelujejo čipke.
Iz Fagagne se
bomo odpravile v bližnji Videm (it. Udine), kjer si bomo v Furlanskem etnografskem muzeju ogledale zbirko tekstilij, med katerimi so tudi čipke. V
treh nadstropjih muzej ponuja še številne druge zanimive zbirke povezane z
zgodovino in življenjem furlanskih ljudi.
Sledila bo
nekoliko daljša pot do obmorskega mesta Gradež (it. Grado), kjer bomo obiskale
trgovino Gianfrance Tolloi Tombolo & Disegni, bogato založeno s klekljarskimi materiali, pripomočki
in vsem, kar bi morda lahko potrebovale na začetku nove klekljarske sezone.
Tiste, ki vas čipkarski nakupi ne zanimajo (če slučajno obstajajo tudi takšne
;-), si boste lahko v tem času privoščile pristen italijanski kapučino, pico ali
slasten sladoled v enem izmed lokalov v bližini.
Iz Gradeža nas
bo pot vodila čez slikovito gradeško laguno do Gradišča ob Soči, kjer deluje čipkarsko združenje Fuselliamo. Ogledale si bomo razstavo njegovih članic, ki vedno znova
presenečajo z izvirnostjo, in na razglasitvi rezultatov natečaja "Pomlad po vaše" držale pesti za slovenske klekljarice, ki s svojimi čipkarskimi
deli sodelujejo na njem.
Iz Gradišča nas
bo pot vodila le še domov; prihod v Ljubljano je predviden okoli 20. ure.
Prijave na
izlet sprejemam na e-naslovu: afrodita.hebar@mat.si,
po telefonu 01/ 25 66 859 in na mobilnem telefonu: 041/ 332 664 do zasedbe prostih
mest v avtobusu.
Cena izleta je
38 evrov na osebo in vključuje avtobusni prevoz, vstopnine in vodenje po
S seboj na pot
vzemite veljaven osebni dokument, ne pozabite pa tudi na pozitivno naravnanost
in dobro voljo, da bo čas, ki ga bomo preživeli skupaj, še prijetnejši.
Vaša Afrodita
P.S.: S klikom na imena muzejev, trgovine in čipkarskega združenja (obarvana rjavo), se vam bodo odprle njihove internetne strani, na katerih lahko dobite dodatne informacije ter si ogledate tam objavljeno slikovno in video gradivo.
Dear lace making colleagues,
this trip was originally planned as a trip into the unknown (hence its somewhat unusual name), but as most of you are obviously not interesting in surprises when it comes to lace trips, I’m uncovering the places that we will visit at the lace excursion on Saturday, 14th of September 2013.
From a parking lot for buses in front of Ljubljana Hala Tivoli we will depart at 6:30 a.m. toward north. On the way we will pass Kranj, Jesenice and Kranjska Gora and cross border with Italy. In Tolmezzo we will visit the Carnic museum of folk art Michele Gortani and viewing lace held by the museum. Maybe we will be managed even to peek into the museum archives, where they keep the best and most valuable old lace.
this trip was originally planned as a trip into the unknown (hence its somewhat unusual name), but as most of you are obviously not interesting in surprises when it comes to lace trips, I’m uncovering the places that we will visit at the lace excursion on Saturday, 14th of September 2013.
From a parking lot for buses in front of Ljubljana Hala Tivoli we will depart at 6:30 a.m. toward north. On the way we will pass Kranj, Jesenice and Kranjska Gora and cross border with Italy. In Tolmezzo we will visit the Carnic museum of folk art Michele Gortani and viewing lace held by the museum. Maybe we will be managed even to peek into the museum archives, where they keep the best and most valuable old lace.
Our next objective will be Fagagna, a village proclaimed as the most beautiful one in Italy by Friuli tourism workers. At the Museum of rural life we will visit the part devoted to lace school, which worked at the place in past time and see its rich lace collection. Through the exhibition we will be guided by local guide and local lace makers will demonstrate us how they make lace.
From Fagagna we will depart toward Udine, where we will view a collection of textiles, including lace, at the Friuli ethnographic museum. Three floors of the museum offers many other interesting collections related to the history and life of Friuli people.
A slightly longer route will lead us to the coastal town Grado, where we will visit a shop of Gianfranca Tolloi Tombolo & Disegni, well-stocked with lace making materials, tools and everything else that you might need at the start of the new lace making season. Those of you, who are not interested in shopping (if there are some random ;-), could afford a genuine Italian cappuccino, pizza or delicious ice cream in one of the pubs in the vicinity meawhile.
From Grado the trail will leads us through the picturesque Grado lagoon to Gradisca d'Isonzo, where a lace association Fuselliamo operates. We will see an exhibition of its members, which always surprise us with its originality and cheer on the result proclamation of competition "Spring by you" for Slovene lace makers, who take part in it with their lace works.
From Grado the trail will lead us to home only; return to Ljubljana is expected around 8 p.m.
Applications on a trip I accept at e-mail address: afrodita.hebar@mat.si, by
phone 01/ 25 66 859 and by mobile phone: 041/ 332 664 until the bus is full.
The price of tour is 38 Euros per person and includes bus
transportation, entrance fees and guiding by the programme.
Take a valid identity document with you on the trip and don’t forget the positive attitude and good humour that the time we will spent together will be even more pleasant.
Take a valid identity document with you on the trip and don’t forget the positive attitude and good humour that the time we will spent together will be even more pleasant.
Yours Afrodita
PS: By clicking on names of the museums, shop and lace association (coloured brown) you will open up their websites where you can get more information and view image and video material published there.
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