Detajl obleke (glej fotografijo spodaj) / Detail of the dress (see the photo bellow)
Če ste lani slučajno
zamudili ali spregledali razstavo, na kateri so učenci Osnovne šole Črni vrh
predstavili Inovacijski projekt Čipka v naravnih materialih pripoveduje o življenju, imate
zdaj priložnost, da napako popravite. Namenoma sem napisala napako, saj gre za
najbolj inovativen čipkarski projekt lanskega leta v Slovenijii, ki ga resnično
ne gre prezreti. Če me je lanskoletna razstava študentov Naravoslovnotehniške
fakultete, oddelek za tekstilstvo, nekoliko razočarala, saj sem od bodočih modnih ustvarjalcev pričakovala
več inovativnosti, nekonvencionalnosti, drznosti, celo »odštekanosti«, je z
vsem naštetim obilno postregla razstava osnovnošolcev s Črnega Vrha. Ti so študentske
kolege presegli tako v raziskovalnem in multidisciplinarnem pristopu k
projektu, v inovativnosti in kreativnosti pri snovanju čipkarskih del, kot tudi
v izvirnem in zanimivem načinu končne predstavitve svojega dela.
Projekt je
nastajal pod vodstvom mentoric Liljane Homovec, Anke Jamšek in Barbare
Petkovšek, v sodelovanju s Čipkarsko šolo Idrija. Dela so se lotili celostno. Na sprehodih v okolici šole so najprej nabrali naravne materiale, za
katere so menili, da bi jih lahko uporabili za klekljanje oz. bi jih lahko
vključili v izdelek: trave, liste, koruzno ličkanje, lubje, lišaje, plodove,
semena… Tudi navdih za risanje vzorcev za klekljanje so poiskali v naravi. V drevesnih
grčah, lubju in lišajih na njem, v prečnih prerezih debel, kapljicah smole, med
koreninami in v prepletih vej, celo v mikrosvetu dreves so našli ideje za svoje
snovanje. Sledila je pretvorba skic v »papirce« in risanje vzorcev za
klekljanje v mednarodni barvni skali. Pri pouku tehnične vzgoje so naredili
blazine za klekljanje in kleklje, pri kemiji so izdelali naravna barvila in z
njimi pobarvali lan in volno. Čebula, hibiskus, kamilica in kraški teran so
preji dali čudovite naravne odtenke. Sledilo je klekljanje. Poizkusili so se tudi v
klekljanju na vzorcih brez narisanih postavkov. Te so morali učenci določati
sproti, tako da so »prisluhnili« materialu in tekočemu paru klekljev. Poseben
izziv je bilo klekljanje z materiali, ki niso dopustili navitja, tudi
vstavljanje semen in plodov je bilo svojevrsten izziv. Nastanek vsake čipke je
bil sproti zabeležen na spremni list. Nanj so zapisovali potek dela, uporabljene
materiale in tehnike izdelave, težave in zaplete, nova odkritja in spoznanja.
Zapisano je bilo pomembna informacija za celotno projektno skupino in dobra
popotnica za nadaljnje delo. Na koncu so se spopadli še z nalogo kako nastala
čipkarska dela predstaviti v skladi z njihovim sporočilom. Ob pomoči
mentoric jim je tudi to zelo dobro uspelo.
Projekt so letos
nadaljevali z izdelavo novih čipk, kreiranjem oblačil iz naravnih materialov
ter apliciranjem čipk na oblačila in druge uporabne predmete. Kaj vse so
ustvarili si lahko ogledate na prireditvi z naslovom Čipke na sprehodu, v soboto, 1.
junija 2013, ob 18. uri na dnevu odprtih vrat Osnovne šole Črni vrh. Ob
prireditvi bodo na ogled razstava Inovacijskega projekta Čipka v naravnih
materialih, izdelki učencev Osnovne šole Črni Vrh, izdelki učencev Čipkarske
šole Idrija – oddelek Črni Vrh, izdelki Društva klekljaric Črni Vrh–Godovič in
izdelki učencev modelarskega krožka. Več kot dovolj razlogov, da se v soboto
podate na Črni Vrh.

Obleka: vzorec za klekljanje, čipka in oblikovanje obleke: Tjaša Žgavec (13 let), naziv dela: Obleka s čipko iz naravnih materialov, klekljarske tehnike: ris, polpremet in kitice, šivilja: Marija Kodelja, fotografija: Blažka Benčina / Dress: lace pattern, lace and dress design: Tjaša Žgavec (13 years), title: Dress with lace made of natural materials, lace-making techniques: tape, halfstitch and plaits, seamstress: Marija Kodelja, photo: Blažka Benčina
Torba: vzorec z klekljanje, čipka in oblikovanje torbice: Urška Mikuž (12 let), naziv dela: Torbica s čipko iz naravnih materialov, klekljarske tehnike: slepi in predeljeni ris, šivilja: Barbara Petkovšek, fotografija: Blažka Benčina / Handbag: Pattern with lace, lace and handbag designing: Urška Mikuž (12 years), title of work: Bag with lace made of natural materials, lace-making techniques: blind and divided tape, seamstress: Barbara Petkovšek photo: Blažka Benčina
If you accidentally miss
an exhibition at which pupils from Primary School Črni Vrh presented an Innovational project Lace
made of natural materials talks about the life, you have a chance to rectify that
mistake. I deliberately wrote a mistake, because it was the most innovative lace
project last year in Slovenia, which really should not be overlooked. If I was a
little disappointed at last year's exhibition of students from Faculty of
Natural Sciences, Department for textiles, as I expected more innovativeness,
unconventionality, daring, even "craziness" of future fashion
designers, all the above mentioned the exhibition of pupils from Črni Vrh
served in abundance. Pupils exceeded their older colleagues in exploratory and
multidisciplinary approach to the project, innovativeness and creativity in
designing their lace works, as well as in original and interesting way to
present the whole project.
The project has been developed under the guidance of mentors Liljana Homovec, Anka Jamšek and Barbara Petkovšek, in cooperation with Idrija Lace School. Work has been undertaken very comprehensive. While walking in school’s surrounding pupils picked natural materials, which were considered to be useful for lacemaking or could be included in lace works: grass, leaves, corn husking, bark, lichens, berries, seeds etc. They searched for inspiration for sketch drawing in nature also. In tree gnarl, bark and lichens on it, in trunk sections, resin drops, between the roots and in the intertwining of branches, even in trees micro world they found ideas for their designs. This was followed by conversion of sketches in lace patterns and drawing patterns in the international color scale. At Technical lessons they made lace pillows and bobbins, at Chemistry lessons they produced natural dyes and painted flax and wool with them. Onion, hibiscus, chamomile and Teran (dark red Slovenian wine) gave yarns beautiful natural shades. Next was lacemaking. They tried to make laces on lace patterns without drawn prickling also. They had to make them promptly, by "listening" material and guided pair of bobbins. A special challenge was material that is not allowed winding, also inserting seeds and fruits have been a singular challenge. The formation of each lace work was promptly recorded on the accompanying sheet of paper. A workflow, materials and techniques, problems, complications as well as new discoveries were noted on it. The written was important information for the entire project team and bodes well for future work. At the end they deal with the task how to represent their lace works in consistent with their message. With a help of mentors they succeeded that very good also.
This year they continued project by making some new lace works, creating clothes made from natural materials and applying laces on clothes and other useful items. What they have created you can see at the event named Lace on a walk on Saturday 1st June 2013, at 6 pm at the Open Day of the Primary School Črni Vrh. At the event there will be an exhibition of the Innovational project Lace made of natural materials, works of pupils from Primary School Črni Vrh and from Idrija Lace School - department Črni Vrh, an exhibition of the Society of lacemakers from Črni Vrh and Godovič and works of pupils from extracurricular modelling activity. More than enough reasons to visit Črni Vrh in Saturday.
The project has been developed under the guidance of mentors Liljana Homovec, Anka Jamšek and Barbara Petkovšek, in cooperation with Idrija Lace School. Work has been undertaken very comprehensive. While walking in school’s surrounding pupils picked natural materials, which were considered to be useful for lacemaking or could be included in lace works: grass, leaves, corn husking, bark, lichens, berries, seeds etc. They searched for inspiration for sketch drawing in nature also. In tree gnarl, bark and lichens on it, in trunk sections, resin drops, between the roots and in the intertwining of branches, even in trees micro world they found ideas for their designs. This was followed by conversion of sketches in lace patterns and drawing patterns in the international color scale. At Technical lessons they made lace pillows and bobbins, at Chemistry lessons they produced natural dyes and painted flax and wool with them. Onion, hibiscus, chamomile and Teran (dark red Slovenian wine) gave yarns beautiful natural shades. Next was lacemaking. They tried to make laces on lace patterns without drawn prickling also. They had to make them promptly, by "listening" material and guided pair of bobbins. A special challenge was material that is not allowed winding, also inserting seeds and fruits have been a singular challenge. The formation of each lace work was promptly recorded on the accompanying sheet of paper. A workflow, materials and techniques, problems, complications as well as new discoveries were noted on it. The written was important information for the entire project team and bodes well for future work. At the end they deal with the task how to represent their lace works in consistent with their message. With a help of mentors they succeeded that very good also.
This year they continued project by making some new lace works, creating clothes made from natural materials and applying laces on clothes and other useful items. What they have created you can see at the event named Lace on a walk on Saturday 1st June 2013, at 6 pm at the Open Day of the Primary School Črni Vrh. At the event there will be an exhibition of the Innovational project Lace made of natural materials, works of pupils from Primary School Črni Vrh and from Idrija Lace School - department Črni Vrh, an exhibition of the Society of lacemakers from Črni Vrh and Godovič and works of pupils from extracurricular modelling activity. More than enough reasons to visit Črni Vrh in Saturday.